What’s new in versions 6

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Luna Modeler

Support for SQL Server – Luna Modeler version 6 contains significant improvements that will be appreciated by all our users. We know from your feedback that you missed SQL Server database support the most. We are happy to announce the addition of SQL Server support!

SQL Server ER Diagram

Comparison reports – Many of you are interested in using advanced features such as project comparison, synchronization, etc.

That’s why we’ve focused on this area again and brought more useful improvements. Luna Modeler version 6 includes the ability to compare a project with the database and generate a report with a detailed overview of detected changes.

If you need to see if your project and your existing database structure are identical, use the Project update feature and generate a comparison report after detecting changes. You will see objects that exist only in the project, only in the database or objects that have been modified.

Comparison report made in Luna Modeler

Support for multiple instances – since version 6.1, you can easily launch the application in a new window or open your project in a new window. If you save a project, a new database connection or change application settings, everything will be automatically synchronized between running Luna Modeler instances. Note: This feature is available in the Professional edition

Running two instances of Luna Modeler on macOS

Advanced copy & paste – since version 6.2, you can easily copy one or more columns and paste the selected objects into another table in the current project or into another project. Dependencies will be handled automatically.

Copy columns

For more information, click on the button below and read the detailed information.

Support for multiple schemas for PostgreSQL and multiple databases for MariaDB and MySQL – now you can easily select schemas for reverse engineering.

Schema selection - postgreSQL reverse engineering in Luna Modeler

What’s new in Luna Modeler version 6

Moon Modeler

New layout – We have modified the layout of objects in the diagram to make it clearer and to make working with collections, objects/documents and fields in the diagram more comfortable.

diagram of MongoDB database structure

Conversion from MongoDB to Mongoose – Since version 6.1 you can easily convert your MongoDB project to Mongoose. Note: This feature is available in the Professional edition

Conversion from MongoDB to Mongoose

Advanced copy & paste – since version 6.2, you can copy fields and documents and paste the selected objects into another collection or paste inside another document in your projects.

Copy and Paste inside

To find out details, click on the button below.

What’s new in Moon Modeler version 6

All products

Column navigation – We have added the ability to navigate by columns or fields. Use the up and down arrows to easily move to the previous or next field.

Column/field navigation

Multiple columns selection – since version 6.2 you can select more than one column/field/property by CTRL + left click. You can then copy, paste or delete the selected objects.

Multiple columns selection

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If you have a suggestion, an idea for improvement, or if you find a bug, feel free to email us at info@datensen.com.

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